Städtische Beratungsstelle für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien in Memmingen
- Advice
- General advice and counselling centres
- anonymous
- free
Kempter Str. 42b - 87700 Memmingen
Stadt Memmingen
08331/850422Opening hours / Consultation hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:
08.00 to 12.00 Uhr
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
14.00 to 17.00 Uhr
Im Bedarfsfall können Termine über die Öffnungszeit hinaus vereinbart werden.
We give advice to
Gender identity
- female
- male
- trans*female
- trans*male
- non-binary
- to 21 Years
Intended for
- Concerned
- Relatives, Reference persons, social environment
The counseling is available
- Face-to-Face
- Over the phone
Lngs spoken
- German
- Easy language
- Easy language
- Assistance is available (please get in touch beforehand)
- First contact can be made in writing
- Outreach work
- Assistance dogs are welcome
- Children and adolescents who commit assaults
Further Information
- Dealing with assaults among minors educationally
Map view
The map is an aditional visual representation of the detail view.