Kindernotdienst / Jugendnotdienst/ Mädchennotdienst in Berlin-Kreuzberg
- Shelters and crisis services
- Shelters
- anonymous
- 24-hour telephone service
- free
Gitschiner Str. 49 - 10969 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie
030610061Additional Telephone nummbers
030 610062Email Extra
info@jugendnotdienst-berlin.deWe give advice to
Gender identity
- female
- male
- trans*female
- trans*male
- non-binary
- to 13 Years
- 14-21 Years
Intended for
- Concerned
- Relatives, Reference persons, social environment
- Specialists
The counseling is available
- Face-to-Face
- Over the phone
Lngs spoken
- German
- English
- Turkish
- Arabic
- Russian
Counsel languages interpreter
- English
- Turkish
- Arabic
- French
- Spanish
- Polish
- Russian
- Chinese
- Vietnamesisch
- Japanisch
- Hindi
- Rumänisch
- Bulgarisch
- Usbekisch
- Kasachisch
- Armenisch
- Georgisch
- Urdu
- Syrisch
- Paschtunisch
- Afghanisch
- Sign language
- Kurdish
- Albanian
- Serbian
- Farsi
Interpreter for other language possible
- Assistance is available (please get in touch beforehand)
- Outreach work
- Assistance dogs are welcome
- Prevention
- Children and adolescents who commit assaults
- Refugee background
- Human trafficking
Further Information
Opt Crisis Follow Up Children
Further Notes
Beratung, Krisenintervention und Inobhutnahme von akut gefährdeten Kindern und Jugendlichen. Mädchenspezifische Angebote (12-21 Jahre) über den Mädchennotdienst Berlin 030610063
Map view
The map is an aditional visual representation of the detail view.